Our goals for 2021

English and much, much more


Language development is enriched by verbal interactions with other children and adults. Parents and care-givers can have a significant impact on early language development. In addition, language-based interactions appear to increase a child's capacity to learn. 


Educational games are games explicitly designed with educational purposes, to help kids to learn about certain subjects, expand concepts, reinforce development, understand an historical event or culture, or assist them in learning a skill as they play. 

For youngsters, Educational toys are good starting point for a child to begin to understand causal relationships, basic principles of science (e.g. if a block falls from the top of a structure, it will fall until a surface stops its fall), and develop patience and rudimentary hand-eye coordination.  Interlocking manipulative toys like puzzles challenge the child to improve hand-eye coordination, patience, and an understanding of spatial relationships.



Art and music are essential in expanding the horizons of children beyond the everyday, and children that are exposed to art and music early on are known to do better and go farther in life than they would have without it. Introducing the arts in the form of games is a great way to start them out with a love for art and music.


Workshop Objectives:

·        Raising the level of intellectual abilities of all students participating in the program

·        Prevention of attention and concentration disorder in school period

·        Speed up the development of thinking, reasoning and connections (functional knowledge)


l  提高所有参与该英语教学项目的学生的智力水平。

l  为学龄前儿童培养注意力和专注力(为其将来的学校教育打下良好基础)

l  加快孩童思维、推理、逻辑、联想等功能性智识的发展速度。

Workshop Improves:

·        Spatial orientation

·        Language and vocabulary

·        Visual-Motor Coordination

·        Attention

·        Visual perception

·        Visual memory

·        Background shapes perception


l  空间认知能力

l  语言词汇水平

l  视觉-运动整合能力

l  注意力

l  视觉感知能力

l  视觉记忆能力

l  背景形状觉知力 (背景形状觉知力对人们早期的大脑唤醒和注意分类方面具有显著的促进作用)

Think about tomorrow – join us today

Sincerely with love,

Teacher Goran





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