
  Hello, how are you?   你好,你好 吗 ? Etiquette  ( / ˈ ɛ t ɪ k ɛ t /  and  / ˈ ɛ t ɪ k ɪ t / ;  French:  [e.ti.kɛt] ) is the set of  conventional rules  of personal behavior in  polite  society, usually in the form of an  ethical code  that delineates the expected and accepted  social behaviors  that accord with the  conventions  and  norms  observed by a  society , a  social class , or a  social group . – Wikipedia 礼 节 是礼貌社会中一系列常 规 的个人行 为规则 ,通常以道德守 则 的形式描述符合社会,社会 阶层 或社会 团 体遵守的 惯 例和 规 范的 预 期和接受的社会行 为 。 Nowadays most of the people are still very humble when getting along with others. Either at public places or at private gatherings, people are always aware of their good manners. 如今,大多数人与他人相 处时 仍然非常 谦 虚。在公共 场 所或私人聚会上,人 们总 是意 识 到自己的 举 止。   We can greet others in more ways than just a ‘’Hello, how are you?’’, and here they are: 除了“ ’Hello, how are you? (你好,你好 吗 ? ),我 们 可以通 过 其他方式与其他人打招呼,他 们 是: 1.   Hello, how are things going? 你好,最近怎 么 样 ? 2.   Hi, how’s it going? 嗨 ,怎 么 样 了
  Winter activity ( 冬季活 动) make a snowman ( 堆雪人 ) Imagine, it's a beautiful snowy day... what a joy, a perfect time to make a snowman... or, to build a snowman?.... hm... 想象一下, 这 是一个美 丽 的下雪天 ... 多 么 快 乐 ,一个完美的 时间 来堆雪人 ... 或者,去堆雪人? You can use both terms as a correct, but here is an answer why ''make'' should be more suitable. 您可以使用两个 术语作为正确的词,但这是为什么 “ make ” 应该更合适的答案 。 ''...I feel you are correct with "make" instead of "build" and here is why: Build means to construct by putting parts together over a period of time. Build is a more permanent structure. "Make" on the other hand means to "create" by forming, shaping or altering material in order to bring something into existence.'' - f ound it on a 我 认为您对 “ make ” 而不是 “ build ” 是正确的, 这就是为什么: Build 意味着通 过在一段时间内将零件放在一起进行构造。构建是一个更永久的结构。另一方面, “ 制造 ” 是指通 过形成,成形或改变材料来 “ 创造 ” 以使某物存在.'' If you wanna make a snowman inside of your happy &
Be kind to animals In recent times, more and more people have a great desire to help animals, to feed them, to provide them with a home and security, to give them love and good life. 近年来,越来越多的人 渴 望帮助 动 物,喂 养 它 们 , 为 它 们 提供住所和安全, 给 它 们 以 爱 和美好的生活。 Vocabulary for today is: pet-friendly ( 宠物友好 ) adjective /ˌpetˈ - Usually it is used to  describe  a  place  that is  suitable  for  pets  or where you can  stay  with  your   pet . 通常 , 它用于描述适合 宠物的地方或可以与宠物呆在一起的地方 。 1. Our office/hotel is pet-friendly. 我 们 的 办 公室 / 酒店 可 养 宠 物 . Let’s break it down as two words, pet and friendly. pet ( 宠 物 ) noun  /pet/ - Pet is an animal that is kept in the home as a  companion  and treated kindly. 宠 物是一 种 动 物,作 为 伴 侣 被 养 在家里并受到友善的 对 待。 1. This is my pet dog. 这 只狗是我的 宠 物 . Friendly (友好) adjective   /ˈ  - A friendly place is pleasant and makes you feel happy and comfortable. 一个友好的地方令人愉快,使您感到幸福和舒适。 He/she is a friendly person. 他 / 她是一个友好的人。   And if a cat is your pet, yo
 Our goals for 2021 English and much, much more 英语,比你了解的更多 Language development is enriched by verbal interactions with other children and adults. Parents and care-givers can have a significant impact on early language development . In addition, language-based interactions appear to increase a child's capacity to learn.   儿童的 语言能力 是通过与同龄人和成人的语言交流,形成、发展起来的。幼儿早期语言能力的发展深受其父母及看护者的影响。此外值得一提的是,儿童的学习能力也会因为语言的交流而加强。 Educational games   are   games   explicitly designed with   educational   purposes, to help kids to learn about certain subjects, expand concepts, reinforce development, understand an historical event or culture, or assist them in learning a skill as they play.   For youngsters, Educational toys are good starting point for a child to begin to understand causal relationships, basic principles of   science   (e.g. if a block falls from the top of a structure, it will fall until a surface stops its fall), a
RED PATTERN Education Advisory Ltd WISHES YOU A HAPPY, HEALTHY, LOVING AND SUCCESSFUL NEW YEAR The photo is taken from the Pixabay New Year’s Day celebrations vary widely across different cultures. Some children receive gifts on New Year’s Day in some countries.  Many people mark New Year’s Day as the first day to start a New Year’s resolution for the year. New Year’s Day parades are held in some places and some of these parades are televised. The start of New Year’s Day is usually marked by fireworks and music as the clock strikes midnight between New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are symbolized in various ways across the world. Midnight between New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day is often marked by fireworks and fire crackers. Many people drink and toast with champagne or other sparkling wine. The text was taken from  time & date